High Quality Assets
To Have, To Wear,
To Invest!

A Multinational
‌Artisanal Miners Group.

UpMining Co-operative wields significant influence over the mining sector due its position in communities that subsist on mining. The UpMining Co-Op has been gaining increased importance by supporting local artisanal miners through initiatives and policies to improve and scale Co-Op Mining activities. UpMining establishes a sustainable network into the mining sector in the country and provides awareness towards cooperative principles that when effectively put in place guide the cooperative miners towards sustainable development mining practices.


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‌& Gems

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‌& ‌Logsitics 

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UpMining is not only about digging and taking things out of the ground, but making sure the local communities that represent 80% of artisanal labor force get respect, better conditions of work and get access to our BetterWorld programs, that focus on applying the best ESG practices.  Each Upminer Co-Op partnership works simialary by design, however minor different partnerships can be tailored by region or by mine as needed.  Mostly as part of the UpMine Co-Op group UpMiners are provide technology, support and capital to help grow their abilities by a noticable difference with in just a few weeks of joing the UpMining Artisanal group of companies. 

Million UpMiner
Global Zones
O‌f Investment 
+ Combined Hours Of 
‌Upmining Knowledge

Connecting Artisanal Miners From Around The World

Is part of the UpMine philosophy the word INTEGRATION, that means covering all the aspects of the Industry and its arms and legs. Because of that we bring to our miners not only benefits on the mine space, but also a robust banking system, logistics network and knowledge base. Giving our operators the best set of tools to develop any region we have mine activities going on.

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UpMining Co-Op

Existing operations or areas with consortiums can be integrated in our umbrella of Co-op, many regions looking

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White House Capital  
‌UpMine Central Building
‌Co-Op Main Offices

The UpMine group has several buildings and spaces to accommodate our staff members, partners, workers and eventually business meetings. Those locations are pinpoint flags in the map, constructed with the highest standard of security, comfort and totally connected to the internet and satellite, creating a safe place to not only accommodate but be our local logistics center.

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Converting Assets
‌To Digital Assets

Thinking of making the mine industry more exciting and accessible, the UpMine group has partnered with several crypto and digital assets companies to reinvent the way people invest in gold, diamonds and other precious minerals. Stay tuned to see our new tokens that will be backed by an extensive portfolio of real minerals.

More about this

Better World ‌Sustainable UpMining Programs

Multiple Country Artisanal Miners
‌Under One Voice UpMine Co-Op

Local UpMiner Campus

In addition to our main compound building for logistics, other support buildings will be constructed close to the mining sites and villages for supply, transportation, security and other amenities.

Building An Mining Barge

Our local miners, engineers and workers will count with UpMine specialists and consultants from other regions to bring clever solutions to any challenge they face, using ESG practices

A Word from our Associates

Jena Armstrong

Life coach, Healty Life

Business is better now than ever and the old mines look like a piece of paradise, we teach people to love the land that makes them money. Thank you!

Natalia Aklim

Right when I thought that there was nothing else to discover about diamonds, the UpMine consortium changed it.

Jonatan Joew

My business grew so much after joining the UpMine family, and my workers are happier then ever.

John Doe

The UpMine initiative is a revolutionary way to view the mining industry, for sure we will change it for better


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